Affiliate Program

Become part of the Kennedy Blue family by joining our affiliate program!

Start earning commission by partnering with Kennedy Blue to share our affordable collection of mix-and-match bridal party attire with your fabulous visitors!

Reasons to join our program include:

  • 5% commission per order (average order value is around $200)
  • $1 per At Home Try-On referral (click for more information about our At Home Try-On)
  • 90-day cookie tracking
  • Incentives for affiliates with the highest number of referrals/sales
  • Access to our data feed, where you can update banner ads and promotions

To join our affiliate program, you will need to create a ShareASale account. If you have a ShareASale account, click here to join!

We look forward to working with you! Please direct all comments, questions, or concerns to

Join today!

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